Hi everyone...
As you may be aware, my book "Outer Mongolia... no longer a fantasy"... is about a dream that became a reality.
"Outer Mongolia... no longer a fantasy", a true story, is about a journey I took with 4 friends to Outer Mongolia.
The book has an important message for everyone: with belief, trust and commitment any dream can become a reality no matter what your circumstances are.
Over the weekend, I created a group in Facebook called "Outer Mongolia... no longer a fantasy" and you're invited to take a look and join the discussion... the link is:
You can also find out more about "Outer Mongolia... no longer a fantasy" at:
If you would like to purchase "Outer Mongolia... no longer a fantasy" e-book or CD-ROM, remember that every dollar raised from the sale of each book is going to Developing Countries Aid Fund (DCAF) Asia -- Mongolia, which is administered by the Red Cross
Join the discussion at Facebook!
Best wishes
have you received your complimentary copy of: "#1 Ingredient To Fast Track Your Success!"... you can get your copy by subscribing to Aspirations Plus website at:
Great idea. I'm joining the Facebook group and posting on http://RichProsperity.com
Posted by: Warren Whitlock | February 12, 2008 at 11:47 AM
You are an inspiration to women (and men). I'm posting on http://www.bamboowomen.com/blog
Posted by: Jeanette | February 12, 2008 at 01:48 PM